"We must drastically increase the achievement and learning of students with disabilities. What should we do?"
Are you ready for that conversation? Do you have a plan?
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND...John O’Connor is offering his popular virtual learning series Great Instruction Great Achievement for Students with Disabilities. The online series will assist special education administrators, principals, assistant principals, other leaders, and teachers increase the learning and achievement of students with disabilities and other students who struggle.
Join John for Five Virtual Sessions
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Friday, July 22, 2022
All sessions will be 12:30 - 2:00 PM EST
You can't make all the dates! No problem, you will receive a recording of each session. The replays will be available for your review for two weeks after each session.
The cost for all 5 Sessions is only $375.00! Save your seat today!
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Friday, July 22, 2022
All sessions will be 12:30 - 2:00 PM EST
You can't make all the dates! No problem, you will receive a recording of each session. The replays will be available for your review for two weeks after each session.
The cost for all 5 Sessions is only $375.00! Save your seat today!
InteractiveThe five 90-minute sessions below will be highly interactive as the participants will be asked to share their thoughts and expertise with other participants – making this a great opportunity to network with colleagues from across the country.
Specific ActionsThe sessions will focus on specific actions that administrators and teachers can implement to increase the learning and achievement of students with disabilities. The sessions are tailored for administrators but will also be beneficial for general and special education teachers.
FocusedThe focus will be on students who are not participating in the alternate assessment.
You will NOT “sit and get!” Expect to share your thoughts and learn from others during the engaging activities! |
What You Will Learn in Each Session:
Session 1: 10 Actions to Increase the Learning and Achievement of Students with Disabilities
As a special education administrator, principal, assistant principal, or other educational leader, what concrete steps can you take to truly impact student learning? During this session, John O’Connor will provide specific actions that you can implement to promote effective instruction and therefore increase student learning.
Session 2: Simplifying and Defining Effective Tier 1 and Specially Designed Instruction
Classroom teachers are overwhelmed with resources and messaging. They are asked to weed through all that information to implement effective core instruction and powerful specially designed instruction. During this session, John will help leaders and administrators simplify and define the most powerful elements of Tier 1 and specially designed instruction so that they can effectively support their teachers.
Session 3: What to Look for in All Classrooms and Co-Teaching Classes
When you observe classroom instruction, what do you look for? Are you focusing on the most powerful elements that have the greatest impact on student achievement? During this session, John will describe the priority elements that should be observed and promoted. By focusing on these few things in all classrooms and co-teaching classrooms, you can simplify messaging and see real enhancements to classroom instruction.
Session 4: Effective Reading Instruction for Struggling Readers
Many students with disabilities struggle with reading. Are your district’s administrators and teachers equipped to determine the underlying deficits for individual students? During this session, John will review the 5 Domains of Reading and model how educators can systematically determine students’ underlying barriers to reading achievement.
Session 5: Being a Change Agent – Truly Impacting Learning and Achievement of Students with Disabilities
As educational leaders, we must help school administrators and teachers implement highly effective instruction. Yet so many initiatives come and go without truly impacting what happens in classrooms. During this session, John will share specific actions that can help you become a leader and change agent for effective instruction. He will explain the actions that are needed to collaborate with, support, and coach other educators so that instruction is truly enhanced.
As a special education administrator, principal, assistant principal, or other educational leader, what concrete steps can you take to truly impact student learning? During this session, John O’Connor will provide specific actions that you can implement to promote effective instruction and therefore increase student learning.
Session 2: Simplifying and Defining Effective Tier 1 and Specially Designed Instruction
Classroom teachers are overwhelmed with resources and messaging. They are asked to weed through all that information to implement effective core instruction and powerful specially designed instruction. During this session, John will help leaders and administrators simplify and define the most powerful elements of Tier 1 and specially designed instruction so that they can effectively support their teachers.
Session 3: What to Look for in All Classrooms and Co-Teaching Classes
When you observe classroom instruction, what do you look for? Are you focusing on the most powerful elements that have the greatest impact on student achievement? During this session, John will describe the priority elements that should be observed and promoted. By focusing on these few things in all classrooms and co-teaching classrooms, you can simplify messaging and see real enhancements to classroom instruction.
Session 4: Effective Reading Instruction for Struggling Readers
Many students with disabilities struggle with reading. Are your district’s administrators and teachers equipped to determine the underlying deficits for individual students? During this session, John will review the 5 Domains of Reading and model how educators can systematically determine students’ underlying barriers to reading achievement.
Session 5: Being a Change Agent – Truly Impacting Learning and Achievement of Students with Disabilities
As educational leaders, we must help school administrators and teachers implement highly effective instruction. Yet so many initiatives come and go without truly impacting what happens in classrooms. During this session, John will share specific actions that can help you become a leader and change agent for effective instruction. He will explain the actions that are needed to collaborate with, support, and coach other educators so that instruction is truly enhanced.